Arriving in Ollantaytambo


(The post on our flight is coming soon!)

Once we landed in Cusco, we began collecting our luggage in the small airport while Ms. Walrod collected our phones. Soon, we boarded a small bus with the safest seats in the world. Our guides introduced themselves right before we all fell asleep from sleep deprivation. When I woke up, views of tall, green mountains filled the landscape. 

Down in the valley, many houses, connected by thin streets, formed the city where we would eat our buffet style lunch. Some time later, we exited the bus and entered a welcoming green courtyard. We put our stuff down and ate. There was rice, chicken cilantro beef, and cow stomach followed by an assortment of fruits and puddings for dessert. Then, we drove twenty minutes to our hotel. Surrounded by orange rooms, the hotel created a wonderful environment. There were also cats!! 

We put our stuff down into the small rooms and left for dinner. First, we visited a local Quechuan* woman who explained things about guinea pigs** and traditional Incan tools. We fed the guinea pigs. 

That day was also a holiday celebrating godmothers,*** so we watched the beginning of the ceremony before heading in to eat. 

To drink we had purple corn juice. To eat, we were given potatoes, corn, and some other foods. Most importantly, guinea pig (to eat!). I was so scared to try it, but I tried a little. It tasted of lamb and beef, but I still felt bad eating it. 

Part of the ceremony (that we watched) from earlier involved dancing whilst people chopped a tree. Looking from the restaurant’s window, we cheered when the tree fell down. 

We then came back to the hotel to unpack, shower, and sleep. Most of us slept well all through the night. Adios!

By: Eva Petrova

* Information on Quechua

** Guinea Pigs in Peru

*** Carnival Around Ollantaytambo


  1. Wow! So much going on on the first day. Enjoy every minute.


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