Expectations vs Reality

Over the last couple of days, students have explored the lovely village of Ollantaytambo, enjoyed mouthwatering cuisine, and met the kindest people. With each experience, their perspectives grow, and students seem more confident and comfortable.  Watching the students embrace this adventure with curiosity and joy is a pleasure. Now that students have settled in, we asked them to compare their expectations of Peruvian culture to their experienced realities. 

  1. The dogs are cleaner and more well-fed. --Margot

  2. There were more English speakers than I expected. --Jaylen

  3. I didn’t expect there to be mountains right next to Ollantaytambo.--Mason

  4. The food tastes a lot better than I expected.--Taddy

  5. Thought there would be homeless people.--Ricardo

  6. I thought there would not be flowers and gardens here. There are so many!--Hemansh

  7. I expected more llamas and alpacas.--Ethan

  8. I did not expect there to be a bunch of street dogs.--Alexandra

  9. I did not expect so many food options.--Guhan

  10. I did not know there would be mountains.--Teresa

  11. I did not know the mountains would be right next to us.--Kira

  12. There are so many kind, helpful people here.--Shridhar

  13. The weather was more invariable than I thought.--Rachel

  14. I didn’t expect the food to be so delicious. --Charlene

  15. I did not expect that Ollantaytambo would have so many buildings.--Han

  16. There are so many more cool/cute animals than I expected.--Sophie

  17. I did not expect that the lncan houses are still used.--Michael

  18. I expected that the houses would be very spaced apart.  They’re much closer than I expected.  Also, the women’s clothes are very unique.--Eva

  19. I expected the hotel to be a lot more cramped, but it’s quite nice. --Nora

  20. I did not expect that there would be so many varieties of flowers--from purple to yellow.  There were colors and shapes I’d never seen before!--Rory

  21. I did not expect that a lot of people from Ollantaytambo actually speak a fair amount of English.--Kanav


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