School in Peru

Today we went to the school on the outskirts of Ollantaytambo. Firstly, we played soccer and games on the field with the other kids, ages from 5-12 who were surprisingly good at soccer. After this, we moved on to play a bit of basketball with the kids as well, but this activity wasn't as competitive, but more about bonding (with the Peruvian kids). After this, we decompressed playing some relaxing chess. Some of us had to learn for the first time, and the others went straight to playing. 

Finally, we had the chance to teach some English to a number of kids. To wrap things up for the day, we sang, "The Wheels on the Bus" to the kids. Overall, this experience was great for us to find what we were good at doing and how we can strive to make a difference in the world.


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